Many say that stenciling is much about the cutting as it is with the painting, and they can never be more correct. Stenciling, after all, is an ages old art form that makes good use of prepared cutouts to help in the coloring process, resulting in precise and often stark designs that never fail to capture the eyes. This is the heart of stenciling, and this is the core of the craft itself.
Hence, a stencil cutter is a very important tool for the pursuit of this passion. It is that which helps prepare the patterns for the design that the artist has in mind. Instead of pencils before inking, or sketches before painting, or even turnarounds for sculptures, stenciling requires patterns that would help give shape and texture to the piece that will be a design reality.
Since stenciling can be applied to a variety of canvases like walls, floors, paper and even cloth, an equal variety of patterns are needed, and these require different kinds of cutters as well. There are manual tools, and there are electric tools, for these purposes. The choice of which to use depends on the preference of the artist as well as the needs of the decorative patterns for the canvass being considered.
A manual stencil cutter is the popular choice for traditional stencil artists. In the days of yore, stenciling was entirely done by hand, after all. There are many kinds of cutters that require some manual attention. Rotary cutters make those circular patterns and edges possible. Plastic cutters are perfect JYFMachinery for plastic surfaces, as with glass, metal and wood cutters. Multi-purpose cutters are used by artists who often work with different kinds of canvasses. Line cutters are perfect for flawless rows.
An electric stencil cutter, on the other hand, can make the artist's work less strenuous. Though this kind is not generally preferred by traditionalists, there's no denying the precision and ease that it brings to the table. Some canvases do require more force and an electric cutter becomes necessary for such tasks.
A stencil cutter, regardless of its kind, however, is not possessed of eternal blades. As with other edges, the sharpness can disappear after prolonged uses. Replacements are in order, and it would be wise to consider the availability of the same whenever you're deciding on buying some cutters.
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